State-Wide Comparison of Death Across Causes

A statewide comparison of deaths across various causes illuminates several key insights. In this visualization you can click on any state any see how many deaths of each cause the state has. Firstly, examining the data reveals that either cardiovascular diseases or cancer consistently emerge as the leading cause of death across the states. Also, we noticed that California was the state with the most deaths in the United States while Alaska being the state with the least. We also noticed that New York is the only state with a significant gap between the number of deaths caused by cancer and heart disease and that they are mostly neck and neck for the other states.

Amount of Death for Each Cause by Percent

A pie chart that shows the percentage of leading causes of death from 1999 to 2017 shows several insights. Firstly, heart diseases occupy the largest slice of the chart, showing a prominence in death rates over the years. Secondly, suicide appears to occupy the smallest portion. Thirdly, cancer has a death count of around 11 million. Fourthly, chronic lower respiratory diseases demonstrate a steady but comparatively smaller portion of the pie, showing the impact of respiratory conditions on mortality rates. Lastly, the chart shows that slightly more people die of Alzheimer's than those who die because of diabetes. These insights underscore the evolving landscape of public health and healthcare interventions aimed at addressing leading causes of mortality over nearly two decades.

Taking a Closer Look at the Highest and Lowest Causes of Deaths (Heart Disease and Suicide)

Looking at a line graph that shows how many people died from heart disease each year between 1999 and 2017 can teach us a few simple things. First, we can see if the number of deaths went up, down, or stayed about the same over those years. Second, big changes in the graph might show times when heart disease became a bigger or smaller problem such as through 2002-2013, there was a decrease in heart disease deaths. Third, we can see which year had the most deaths from heart disease which was in 1999. Fourth, we can see the year that had the least amount of heart disease deaths, which was 2011. Lastly, we can determine that the overall deaths in heart disease have decreased from 1999 through 2017.

Looking at a line graph that shows how many people died by suicide each year from 1999 to 2017 can tell us a few simple things. First, we can see if the number of deaths went up, down, or stayed the same over those years. Second, we can see that suicide has only gone up over the years. Third, we can see which year had the most suicide deaths, which was 2017. Fourth,we can see which year had the least amount of suicide deaths which was 1999. Lastly, we can see there is no decrease in suicide deaths.

Total Deaths Across States

Examining a pie chart that shows how many people are dying in different states can teach us a few things. First, some states have more deaths than others, showing that health isn't the same everywhere, for example, California has the most deaths. Second, the state with the least amount of death is Alaska. Third, we can see the order of what state has the most deaths and the least. Fourth, comparing states can help us see if some places need more help getting access to healthcare or dealing with other issues that affect health (by checking and hovering over the data you can compare state deaths). Lastly, by figuring out which states have more deaths, we can work on sharing good ideas to help everyone stay healthier, no matter where they live. Understanding this can help us make better decisions to improve everyone's health.

Number of Deaths by Cause and Year

Looking at a bar plot that shows how many people die from different reasons can help us understand some simple things. First, each bar represents a different reason why people die, like heart disease or cancer and the taller bars mean more people die from that reason. Second, comparing the heights of bars helps us see which reasons are more serious or common. Third, the number of each bar shows how often people die from that reason on average. Fourth, we can see if there are big differences between reasons, like people with cancer die more compared to someone who suffered from a stroke. Lastly, looking at the plot you can see how cancer and heart disease consistently have the most deaths each year.